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5 Goal Setting *MISTAKES* (you don’t even realize you’re making)

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Goal setting mistakes you don’t realize you’re making!!!

Goal setting is a powerful tool to stay focused and get to where you want to be. Yet, we can hit a few bumps in the road. And sometimes, we’re our own biggest obstacle.

So if you can’t seem to get ahead despite your best efforts, here’s a look at several goal setting mistakes you’re making – without even realizing it.

1. You’re focusing on the effort, and not the reward

When initially setting a goal, the focus is often on the future results or reward, and that’s really what motivates us to set goals in the first place.

But at some point along the journey, our focus can shift. And rather than keeping our mind and eye on the prize, we start thinking or focusing on the effort. In other words, we start focusing more on what it takes to get to the finish line. This misdirected focus can cause us to lose steam, and eventually give up.

Achieving a goal often takes work and sacrifices – sometimes a lot. And it might take years to accomplish something.

The journey isn’t always going to be fun or easy. To stick with a goal long-term, you have to look beyond today and think about the prize.

2. You’re listening to too many people

On one hand, vocalizing your goals can keep you accountable. But on the other hand, be choosy with who you share your goals with.

Real talk, moving in silence has its benefits – especially with regard to goal setting and planning for the future. Sometimes, the less people know the better. Some people are naturally pessimistic or they might project their own fears of failure on you. And let’s be honest, some people don’t want you to succeed or get ahead.

Therefore, guard your vision. Too much negativity can demotivate you.

3. You give up too soon

Most people don’t find success overnight – and those who do are the exception. Talk with anyone who has achieved a major life goal. They can probably tell you a few stories.

These might include stories about setbacks, failures, and things just not going their way. There’s a quote that says, “what seems to be so far away is actually closer than you think…”

So the point is, it’s okay to make tweaks or to revisit the drawing board, but never give up.

4. You don’t have a clear plan

It isn’t enough to say you want to achieve something. You need a plan — a specific step-by-step guide for achieving a goal.

For example, you might say, “I want to buy a house in two years.” This is an excellent goal, but how do you plan to make it happen?

Buying a house might first involve understanding what it takes to qualify for a loan. Have you done your research yet? In other words, what credit score do you need? How much should you save for a down payment? What types of income sources will the lender accept?

Then again, maybe you need to increase your savings to buy a house. How will you generate additional income?

Goal setting requires careful planning. So whatever you want to do, research the steps involved, and then break these steps into mini steps. If necessary, break those mini steps into micro steps.

5. You’re doing too much

Another reason why some people never hit their goals is because they lose motivation at some point throughout the process.

The reasons vary, but one common reason is being unrealistic with their time and energy. When setting a goal, we often want what we want now. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with being ambitious. And it’s definitely okay to set multiple goals at the same time.

But listen, there are only so many hours in a day, and you only have so much energy. So if you set several big goals – and only give yourself a short amount of time to achieve these – you might be setting yourself up for failure.

A better approach: Be realistic and narrow your focus to avoid burnout.

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