Money 101

Are You Making These Money Saving Mistakes?!? (video)

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Are you making these common money saving mistakes?!?

Saving money can help you hit many of your financial goals, such as buying a house, enjoying more experiences, paying off debt, and even enjoying a comfortable retirement. 

However, saving money is easier said than done. In fact, some might argue that it’s one of the hardest things to do, financially speaking. Not only because of the higher cost of living, but also because of the temptation to buy things that we don’t really need. In addition, saving money is a challenge when you don’t know what to do. 

Building an emergency fund, sinking funds, or nest egg isn’t only about making deposits. Others factors play a role in the success of a savings plan. Here’s a look at a few money saving mistakes you might be making (without realizing it)!

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