If you have a lower income or too much debt, saving money can be hard. It’s not impossible, but it might take longer to grow a safety net. Although these are common obstacles, they aren’t the only ones. So your inability to save could be due to reasons “not” on your ...
Money 101
Personal finance is a hot topic and you’ll hear many statements about money – some true and some false. It seems as if everyone has an opinion about money management. And while much of the advice is solid, you have to take other advice with a grain of salt. Here’s a look at a ...
Ever so often I’ll stumble across an article comparing a rich mindset with a poor mindset. In just about every case the general consensus is that the latter – that being a poor mindset – keeps some people in a financial rut. However, people with a rich mindset (which obviously ...
Lifestyle creep (or lifestyle inflation) is one of the biggest (and probably most overlooked) obstacle to getting ahead financially. It keeps many people stuck and in debt, and it’s why some people live above their means. If you’re not familiar with this term, it involves increasing ...
Nobody cares more about your money than you, and no one will protect it like you can. However, personal finance can be complicated, and we’re often left to figure it out on our own. If we don’t know much on the subject, things can get out of control fast – but it doesn’t ...
In the past I’ve mentioned how I think it’s kind of messed up that financial education isn’t considered important enough to include in a lot of school curriculums. Money is something we use every day, and we’ll manage our finances until the day we die, yet most of us have to figure it out on ...
Most people aren’t taught about money, and instead, learn how to manage their finances through trial and error. Unfortunately, this approach creates a lot of problems for some people, and they end up making a bunch of money mistakes, especially in their 20s. The good news, though, is ...
Dealing with a debt in collections and a debt collector isn’t fun. Collectors can be persistent and use scary language, so if you’re contacted by one out the blue you might think: Let me pay these people and get them off my back. But this isn’t always the right move…let me explain. ...
Being frugal means different things to different people – and there’s a lot of confusion regarding what it is, and what it isn’t. It involves being more economical with money, so some people have this idea that they can’t spend any money whatsoever or that they have to deprive themselves. ...
Earning more money can sometimes improve a person’s quality of life and minimize some of their day to day stress. The more we earn the easier it is to have affordable, suitable housing and reliable transportation. Plus, we’re able to enjoy experiences and better prepare for the ...