5 Things to Do Differently With Your Money…Starting TODAY!!! Increasing our knowledge and understanding of how money works is critical to managing it better. This isn’t all we can do, though. Little things that we don’t also think about matter too. So if you want to be better with ...
Money 101
How to splurge without feeling guilty (and without going broke)?!? Splurging is the act of freely spending money on some type of indulgence or pleasure – both costly and inexpensive. It can be dining at a pricier restaurant, buying a pair of shoes or a handbag, enjoying a spa day, or ...
10 money saving challenges to try this year!! I know how you guys like to save money, so here are a few ways to get creative with your money saving challenges this year. 1. Multi-purpose challenge This is an excellent challenge for saving money AND reducing clutter because it involves buying ...
Signs that you really shouldn’t buy…that thing… A lot of stuff can throw a wrench in our finances such as an unexpected expense, losing income, and higher costs. But these aren’t the only things, and shopping is a big problem for many people. However, acknowledging this issue ...
15 Tips for Saving Money at the Grocery Store Groceries are a necessity. Unfortunately, though, food can be expensive. And the bigger your family, the more you’ll likely spend. The price adds up quickly whether you’re buying groceries for yourself or a family—but it doesn’t have ...
Is frugal the same as cheap?!? I’ve been writing about money for a while, and one thing I’ve noticed is a misunderstanding of what it means to be cheap and frugal. Some people use these words interchangeably, in which case frugality is sometimes viewed as a negative. Yes, a frugal person and a ...
Do you feel financially behind??? In 2020, a survey conducted by Mint found that “approximately 40% of Americans felt financially behind” (with regard to saving money, homeownership, and achieving financial stability. This probably comes as no surprise. As we become older there’s a ...
What does “living above your means” really mean?!? Living above your means is one of the worst financial mistakes you can make. It might not seem like a major problem. Yet, living above one’s means makes it difficult to hit many important goals. You might have more consumer debt, ...
How can you tell if someone is frugal??? Living frugal involves a complete shift in the way you use your resources. This can help you save money and be less wasteful. But if you ask different people what is means to be frugal, you might not get the same responses because everyone approaches it ...
Is it possible to save money on a low income?!? If you are earning minimum wage (or a low income), it can be tough to keep up with everyday costs-of-living. And when you’re focused on keeping a roof over your head and food on the table, building an emergency fund gets put on the back burner. ...