What does “living above your means” really mean?!? Living above your means is one of the worst financial mistakes you can make. It might not seem like a major problem. Yet, living above one’s means makes it difficult to hit many important goals. You might have more consumer debt, ...
Money 101
How can you tell if someone is frugal??? Living frugal involves a complete shift in the way you use your resources. This can help you save money and be less wasteful. But if you ask different people what is means to be frugal, you might not get the same responses because everyone approaches it ...
Is it possible to save money on a low income?!? If you are earning minimum wage (or a low income), it can be tough to keep up with everyday costs-of-living. And when you’re focused on keeping a roof over your head and food on the table, building an emergency fund gets put on the back burner. ...
What Is the 50/30/20 Budget? A budget is one of the best tools to control your spending. It can help you plan for expenses, as well as savings, debt repayment, and fun. You can choose from several types of budgets, but one plan that seems to be a favorite among many is the 50/30/20 budgeting ...
Nobody cares more about your money and finances than you. So whether it’s a new year, a new month, or a new week – anytime is a good time to adopt a few good money habits. Looking to improve your relationship with money? Here are 22 tiny money habits to help you become more ...
I’ve read a lot of articles and blog posts breaking down the top reasons why people are broke or bad with money – and I’ve even created content on this topic. Common reasons included bad money management, poor choices, overspending, etc. But while I feel these are common culprits, I also ...
Looking for practical, realistic tips to save money in your everyday life? What if I said that you could save money…and still enjoy the things you like? There’s a lot of advice and hacks on how to save money fast, and there are plenty of opinions on the best approach. Some advice ...
What is lifestyle creep, and how can you avoid it?!? Lifestyle creep is increasing your spending or standard of living whenever your income increases. It can happen after a new job or a pay increase. And since it’s subtle, you might not notice the change. But it’s important to ...
Occasionally someone will message me saying, “I’m broke…what can I do to fix it?!?” This has happened more than once, so the question is obviously on the minds of people. But there really isn’t a quick answer or a single blueprint. So the steps that one person ...
What are the top money habits of financially happy people!! One misconception is that you need a lot of money to be financially happy. But even though money can bring a certain amount of financial stability – and it can definitely alleviate some types of stress – it doesn’t always ...