Between the higher price of goods and housing, life gets expensive. And if you’re like a lot of people you might take any and every opportunity to save money. This can involve shopping sales, forgoing a few wants, and even negotiating rates and prices. You might even get creative and ...
Money 101
What are four types of home loans you can receive? Most people aren’t in a position to pay cash for a house, so a mortgage is often the only way to buy one. But with so many different types of home loans – tailored to different types of buyers – you might ask: Which home loan ...
How to change your money mindset…for the better!!! Being better with money doesn’t only involve budgeting, saving, and learning about different aspects of personal finance. It can also involve changing your beliefs about money and adjusting your mindset. Your mindset toward money ...
What are signs of financial abuse in a relationship? What to look for… When some people hear the words “domestic violence,” they might immediately think about physical abuse and maybe emotional abuse. Yet, these aren’t the only forms of abuse, and one type that often flies ...
Four types of savings accounts (and tips on where to stash your cash) Most people know the importance of good money management, but being responsible with money involves more than paying your bills on time. It also involves keeping some of what you earn. This is how you prepare for the future ...
How to buy a house in 2023 (step-by-step guide) Thinking about buying a house this year, or maybe in the next couple of years? The process of buying can be intimidating as a first-time homebuyer. You might not know much about credit score requirements, loan programs, appraisals, or getting a ...
How to make a vision board that actually works? What is the purpose of a vision board? And most importantly, why do you need a vision board? These are common questions people have about a vision board, which is a collage of images designed to inspire and remind you of your goals and dreams. ...
12 Productivity hacks and tips to get more stuff done Looking for ways to be more productive or increase productivity?!? You can’t create more hours in the day, so you have to make the best use of the hours you do have. I’ve supported myself 100% as a freelance content creator for the past 15 ...
Do you want to get one month ahead on your bills? Looking to get out of a financial rut? Getting one month ahead on your bills is an excellent way to break a paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, and this basically involves using last month’s income to pay this month’s expenses. Although ...
Goal setting mistakes you don’t realize you’re making!!! Goal setting is a powerful tool to stay focused and get to where you want to be. Yet, we can hit a few bumps in the road. And sometimes, we’re our own biggest obstacle. So if you can’t seem to get ahead despite your best ...