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Money 101

first-time homebuyer mistakes
Money 101

First-Time Homebuyer Mistakes

Biggest first-time homebuyer mistakes (and how to avoid these!!!) Buying a house for the first time is exciting, yet overwhelming and intimidating. And if you don’t know a lot about the process, you might make a few first-time homebuyer mistakes.  But while mistakes are common when  ...

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smart money moves
Money 101

5 Smart Money Management Tips

Money management isn’t taught in most schools, so many people leave school knowing very little about finances. They might know the basics such as paying bills on time and creating a budget. But when it comes to bigger things like getting a loan and exploring savings options, they draw a blank.  ...

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how to save money
Money 101

Stop Overspending on These 4 Things

If you want to stop overspending, you might already be mindful of how much you spend on entertainment, clothes, and recreation. But there are other expenses that can also strain your budget. So whether you’re trying to improve your budget or keep more of your hard-earned cash, here are four  ...

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Money 101

How to Maximize Your Savings

Knowing how to maximize your savings can improve your savings rate and help you reach financial goals quicker. So here’s a look at some of the best tips and tricks to get the most out of your savings account. These aren’t anything major and easily duplicatable.   1. Don’t keep your  ...

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stop impulse buying
Money 101

How to Stop Impulse Buying

Don’t know how to stop impulse buying or shopping??? Impulse buying is when you buy something without planning or thinking much about it beforehand. It’s like buying that fancy gadget on a whim, only to regret it later when you realize you didn’t really need it. We’ve  ...

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stop worrying about money
Money 101

How to Stop Worrying About Money

How to stop worrying about money? Worrying is a part of life—no matter how hard we try, it’s something that we’re never going to completely stop doing. Since money is a big part of life, it’s only natural to worry about it at some point – whether it’s how to get it, how to keep it, or how  ...

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