Money 101

Why Your *Frugal* Life Makes Some People MAD!! (in a nutshell)

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Why Does Your Frugal Life Make Some People Mad?!?

While ago I saw a video that posed the question, “why are some people so bothered or upset when others are being frugal?” Now, this might seem like a weird question, but it wasn’t the first time I’ve heard a statement like this. And truthfully, this is something I’ve realized myself. 

Although I can’t speak for anyone else, I do have a few theories to explain why “frugality” makes some people uncomfortable. Of course, this is 100% my opinion. But in a nutshell, here are my top five reasons.

1. You have a “thriftier than thou” attitude

In other words, you’re overly critical of their spending habits. As a frugal person you probably shop with list, wait for sales, and price compare. So when others aren’t as thrifty with their money, you might view their behavior as “wasteful.”   

However, people don’t want to be shamed for their choices.

So while it’s okay to offer suggestions, don’t be pushy or make snarky remarks every time they spend money.

2. They feel guilty

Sometimes, your frugality is a reminder of what “they’re not doing.”

They might recognize the need to be a more cautious spender, yet they lack discipline and willpower to change.

Some people project guilt. So while it appears that they’re mad at you, they might *really* be mad at themselves.

3. They don’t want you to do better

Becoming a more frugal person often involves a mindset shift.

As you focus more on value, needs, and quality, your spending becomes more intentional and calculated.

This shift can improve your overall financial picture – and some people don’t like that.

4. They have a negative view of frugality

Frugal people are sometimes described as “boring” because they don’t spend as freely.

If you’re selective with “how” and “where” you spend money, others might say you’re not fun.

And if so, they’re likely to pick friends with similar spending habits.

5. They don’t know the difference between being cheap & frugal

These two terms are not interchangeable. Both types of people want to save money, but the difference is in “how they save.”

Cheap people only care about price. They might be stingy, mooch off friends, or take other shortcuts at the expense of others.

Frugal is about being resourceful, getting value, and spending less on things that aren’t important to you.

Even though a frugal person likes to save, it’s not about getting rock bottom prices.

**The Point: If someone had a negative experience with a cheap person, and they don’t know the difference between these two words, any reference tofrugal” might conjure bad memories.

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  1. Angela Schaeffer

    December 13, 2023 at 5:54 pm

    I am frugal myself but I don’t judge other peoples spending habitats. My choices are just that. If they don’t ask for suggestions I don’t offer any. For example my siblings are more successful than myself I am thrilled for all of them trips they take. They have college funds for my nieces and nephew. As well as my son. Joshua is working good job decided not to go to college. My very generous brother and sister in law are allowing that money. To use for my granddaughters college fund. The assumption people have about those that are well off. They volunteer with my niece every Thanksgiving at soup kitchen. Put money in savings. Invite us to their house in Michigan. It is extremely hurtful and judgemental to make assumptions. About people that have more than you. Yes we give gifts but only to kids. We have small Christmas. We give to charity. My frugal values are my choices.

  2. Kate

    June 8, 2024 at 8:49 am

    Thank you for posting this article. I have always known the difference between cheap and frugal and like the commenter above wrote, her choices and habits are her own, as are mine. I’ve trained myself to adhere to a budget, chase after sales and price compare amongst other things. I enjoy it and I wouldn’t change it even if I were filthy rich. I enjoy couponing and telling people about good sales as well. To each their own in this horrible economy.

  3. Kristin

    July 19, 2024 at 12:17 pm

    It isn’t the frugality of others that makes me mad, it’s the judgmental, self-righteous, sanctimonious attitude. I am very frugal. I don’t eat out very often. I cook at home. I cut my own hair during the pandemic. I use coupons. I got shamed by a frugal family member for CHEWING AN ENTIRE STICK OF F*CKING GUM. If you’re frugal and want to shame me for not saving veggie scraps to make my own stock with, please keep that in your mouth.
    You can be frugal and kind at the same time.

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